Download Plague Inc 1.9.1 APK Android Full Unlocked

Plague Inc adalah salah satu game strategi pada operasi system android, selain Minecraft Pocket Edition game ini terbilang juga sedang naik daun dikalangan pecinta gamer mobile. Strategi simulasi adalah genre game yang satu ini, dan diklaim menjadi salah satu game paling populer saat ini karena grafis serta alur cerita tentang penyerangan dan penyebaran virus yang sangat mematikan.
Game android Plague Inc versi 1.91 APK ini, anda adalah virus yang mematikan tersebut, dan harus melakukan penyebaran keseluruh dunia untuk melakukan teror berkepanjangan. Dalam versi terbaru Plague 1.9.1 anda dapat memainkannya secara penuh karena sudah berstatus Unlocked.

Plague Inc 1.9.1 Android Full Opened
Pester 1.9.1 APK Characteristics:
- Interface of the video game is extremely polished with finest sensational graphics of the game.
- Advanced Expert system with highly detailed and super recognized world.
- In game help and tutorial system is provided. Handy in the famous method.
- 10 different conditions are readily available, master them in their own unique means to damage humankind.
- Save the video game and load from the previous position.
- More than 50 countries are needed to be infected.
- Rating board and accomplishments.
- Support for the localized English language.
- New illness called as Simian Flu Growth pack from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
- Control the full neighborhoods with intelligent apes to ape transmission system, improve cognitive abilities and produce systemized colonies to shield apes.
- Code optimization