My Vivaz Hacked without PC No Cert
10:00 pm

My Vivaz Hacked without PC No Cert - malam sobat blogger lama ngak update nie, soalnya saya akhir-akhir ini sedang nyari cara agar vivaz kesayangan saya bisa di hack alias di bobol system keamananya. sempet pasrah juga sih karena semua cara gagal soalnya vivaz ini lain sama hp nokia symbian yang sekarang mudah di hack dengan cert maupun non cert, tapi akhirnya tembus juga hee...hee
Cara Hack Vivaz Tanpa Certifikat:
- install to C drive. After installing application will be launched.
- Accept connection ask (you can use WiFi)
- Accept trial key
- Accept license
- Select Yes
- Select No, then OK
- Select Ok - Enter 123 - Retype 123
- Press Options - Anti-Virus
- Go to Quarantine
- Options - Restore - Press Yes
- Back - Home - Exit - Uninstall UMU Mobile Security
- Enter 123 password for uninstallation
- Install RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx - Launch it - Apply Open4all - You get full access to all folders
- Apply installserver (if red cross - found in web installserver for your phone) - You can install any applications without signing.
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